Episode 45 Bibliography

The Confidence Man by Herman Melville
Quiz Show (dir. Robert Redford)
Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
Saving Private Ryan and the Politics of Deception: https://believermag.com/saving-private-ryan-and-the-politics-of-deception/
Philoctetes by Sophocles
After Virtue by Alasdair McIntyre
The Matrix (dir. the Wachowskis)
GoodFellas (dir. Martin Scorsese)
Casino (dir. Martin Scorsese)
Ben Affleck Armageddon Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ahtp0sjA5U
The Wrestler (dir. Aaron Aronofsky)
What Is Bayhem? by Every Frame a Painting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2THVvshvq0Q
Mean Streets (dir. Martin Scorsese)
The Big Short (dir. Adam MacKay)
Margin Call (dir. JC Chancor)
Inside Job (dir. Charles Ferguson)